Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring cleaning / garage-sale-prepping fever

We are participating in a garage sale at the end of April (courtesy of the Cornell fam).  I am going crazy going through stuff that we need to get rid of.  It is so weird how this desire to purge and organize just hits me.  It is also crazy that even though we had a garage sale just last year that we still have more stuff to get rid of.  Does anyone else do weird stuff like this besides me?  My only hindrance is a certain toddler that won't allow me total concentration on anything except her until she goes to bed.  Thus there are only a few truly productive hours in the day but we make do.


Stacey said...

Yes, but then I get distracted/run out of momentum and it ends up piled up in the spare room. ;o)

Alyssa said...

So distracted as well. And have piles of stuff in the garage to sell. I do have the fever for it too!

Ryan and Katie said...

Tis the season for spring cleaning! I purged some things in preparation for JBF and today Ryan and I cleaned out our closets for Goodwill. Now I am reorganizing our closets. I love this feeling! I just wish it lasted all year round!

Erin said...

I need to get you your labels so you can price as you go!